Processing transactions with ChargeItPro is slightly different from the procedure described in the Processing Transactions topic. A typical Sale transaction is started by pressing the Credit button on the order entry screen, order recall list or on the settle screen. The ChargeItPro user interface appears immediately after the Credit Card button is pressed, regardless of the screen where the credit card transaction is initiated. In the example below, the transaction is started by pressing the Credit button after selected the order on the order recall list.





The ChargeItPro user interface prompts the cashier to swipe the card and allows manual entry, if necessary. An on-screen keyboard is available by clicking the button at the top-right if a physical keyboard is not attached.







The transaction is initiated immediately after the card is inserted, swiped or the card informaton is entered manually and the Process button is clicked. The customer will be prompted for a signature or pin entry where applicable. In the example below, the transaction was approved and the device is waiting for a customer signature. The signature can be bypassed by pressing the Skip Signature button.







In the example below, the customer's signature was entered and the ChargeItPro user interface prompts the cashier for approval. If the signature is not acceptable, the customer can be prompted to sign again by clicking the blue Redo button at the bottom.







After the signature is accepted, a transaction confirmation is displayed and the transaction is saved in the pos. Click the Close button to return to the pos.







The signature slip is printed automatically and the customer's signature is printed at the bottom. Refer to the Signature Slips help topic for additional information.








If tips are enabled as described in the Setup topic, a gratuity can be added before the batch is settled by following the procedure described at the Processing Transactions topic. Additional options such as Void and Refund are also available.