Each regular menu item can have an unlimited number of modifier groups and unlimited modifiers per group. In addition, each group can be defined by 5 price levels that can be used to adjust the modifier item's normal price. Each price level may be used to adjust the price up, down or no change. For example, EXTRA may add to the price of a modifier item, while NO may decrease the price of the modifier. Other modifier levels, such as LIGHT, are used as descriptors and do not change the price of the modifier.

Note that most menu items in the same menu category will share the same modifier groups. For example, all menu items in the Burgers category in the demo database share the same modifier groups. The entire menu category was created in less than 10 minutes by entering one new menu item (CLASSIC BURGER) and assigning the modifier groups. The menu item was then copied multiple times and the menu item copies were simply renamed and the price was adjusted for each item.

Back Office Modifiers Editor

Back Office Modifiers Editor

Modifier Groups

Menu Item Assignments


Modifier Levels

Copy Menu Item Assignments

Button Placement and Sizing

Modifier Groups

Modifier groups are used to combine individual modifier items on the order entry screen. Three modifier groups are shown in the image below: EGG PREPARATION TYPES, TOAST TYPES and TOAST OPTIONS. The modifier groups with a red background are set to mandatory and exclusive, where the user must select one and only one modifier from each group before continuing. The TOAST OPTIONS modifier group is set to exclusive but not mandatory so that the user is not forced to select a modifier from the group and only one selection is possible.

Modifier Groups on the Order Entry Screen

Modifier Groups on the Order Entry Screen

Modifier Group Settings

All settings for each modifier group are set in the modifier groups editor except for the MANDATORY setting, which is set for each menu item in the menu item editor, so that a single modifier group can be shared by many menu items.

Modifier Groups

Modifier Groups

Description: Enter a brief description to appear on the order entry screen

Exclusive: Check the box to allow only one modifier to be selected from this group

Modifiers Included: The first x number of modifiers are free before charging for additional modifiers. Set to zero to charge for all modifiers.

Prefix: When more than one menu item is included as a combo, enter the prefix for this modifier group. For example, when selling 2 pizzas for 1 price, enter P1 to alert the kitchen staff that this modifier group belongs to pizza 1.

Maximum Allowed: This value determines the total number of modifiers that can be selected. For example, if set to 1, one whole or two half pizza styles in the pizza styles modifier group can be selected. Set to 0 to ignore this value.

Prevent Duplicate Modifier Levels: Set this value to Yes to set the modifier levels as exclusive. For example, if the modifier levels for the pizza styles modifier group are TOP and BOTTOM, set to yes to prevent two styles from being selected for TOP.

Disable: Check the box to hide this modifier group on the order entry screen

Inventory Markup: Enter the value to use when calculating the suggested price on the inventory screen.

Modifier Level 1: Select a modifier level from the drop-down list to appear in the 1st button position

Modifier Level 2: Select a modifier level from the drop-down list to appear in the 2nd button position

Modifier Level 3: Select a modifier level from the drop-down list to appear in the 3rd button position

Modifier Level 4: Select a modifier level from the drop-down list to appear in the 4th button position

Modifier Level 5: Select a modifier level from the drop-down list to appear in the 5th button position

Modifier Type: For use with the online web ordering interface only. Specify whether to use check boxes or radio buttons.

The modifier group default behavior allows the user to select multiple modifiers from each group. In addition, modifier groups can be set to Mandatory, Exclusive, or both Mandatory & Exclusive:

Default: A selection is not required from this modifier group. Multiple modifier items can be selected from this modifier group.

Mandatory: At least on item must be selected from this modifier group. The mandatory setting is applied at the menu item level so that the modifier group can be mandatory for some menu items and optional for others.

Exclusive: Only one item can be selected from this modifier group.

Mandatory & Exclusive: A maximum of one item must be selected from this modifier group

Exclusive modifier groups are defined by checking the box next to the Exclusive field on the Modifier Groups list. Only one item from this group may be selected for a single menu item, regardless of the number of modifier items added to this group. An exclusive modifier group is indicated by the red and gray icon on the order entry screen, as shown below. One example of an exclusive modifier group is egg preparation option which may be either scrambled, fried or basted. The server should not be able to select more than one modifier from the group.

Menu Item Assignments

Modifier groups are assigned to each menu item in the menu item editor. Select the menu item and click the Modifier Assignments tab. A drop-down list displays all active modifier groups. Select the modifier group and click Add. Note that the same modifier group can be assigned more than once if required.

Mandatory modifier groups are defined at the menu item level. For example, the server may be required to specify whether the Chicken Wings should be hot, medium or mild, but may not be required to specify whether a Hamburger should be prepared rare, medium or well. In the case, the modifier group will be set to Mandatory & Exclusive for the Chicken Wings but Exclusive for the Hamburger. To set a modifier group as mandatory for a specific menu item, click the Modifier Assignments tab and click the Optional link for the modifier group so that it is displayed as Mandatory (red icon). In the image below, Wing Preparation modifier group is set to mandatory.

Mandatory & Exclusive Modifier Group

Mandatory & Exclusive Modifier Group


To add more modifiers to an existing modifier group, click the Modifier Items tab, select the modifier group and click the Modifiers tab and enter the modifier item name next to the Add: button. After the modifier is saved, enter any additional information such as prep text and price.



Modifier item buttons are similar to menu item buttons with a wide range of customizable features including button color, button theme and button image.  

Button Text: Enter the text to display on the button and print on the customer receipt

Button Position: Select the numeric order for the button to appear on the list. Note that this value 

Prep Text: Enter the text to print on the prep ticket and/or remote display

Visibility: Set the value to visible, hidden or spacer. A spacer is used to hide the button but insert a space between the previous modifier button from the next modifier button.

Regular Price: Enter the price before any modifier level is selected

Inventory Setup: A recipe can be assigned to each modifier item to properly track inventory usage

If the modifier group has associated price levels, enter the price level for each modifier item in the group. Price levels that have a negative price (decrease the price of the menu item) will appear enclosed in parentheses. When entering a negative price, use the negative sign on the keyboard, i.e. -.50.  An unlimited number of modifier items may be assigned to each modifier group.If more than 5 items are added to a single group, an arrow button will appear on the order entry screen that allows the server to simultaneously view 24 modifiers buttons in an expanded panel.

Modifier Group Scroll Bar

Modifier Group Scroll Bar

Modifier Levels

Select any modifier group to edit the settings or to assign modifier levels. If a modifier group has price levels, define the button text that should appear on the button by clicking the Modifier Levels tab. Similar to the modifier items, new modifier levels can be added by entering the modifier level name in the box at the top. An unlimited number of modifier levels may be defined, but only 5 may be assigned to a single modifier group.

Modifier Levels

Modifier Levels

Button Text: Enter a brief description to appear on the order entry screen button and customer receipts

Prep Text: Enter the text to appear on prep tickets (text appears as prefix to modifier text). Leave blank to use the button text.

Quantity Multipler: Enter the quantity adjustment. For example, if the modifier level is ½, enter .5 so so that the modifier is properly counted. This value is also used for inventory adjustment.

Click the Modifier Group Settings tab to select the new modifier levels from the drop-down lists next to Modifier Level fields 1-5.

Modifier Price Level Assignments on the Modifier Group List

Modifier Price Level Assignments on the Modifier Group List

The price for each modifier level is set for each individual modifier. After assigning the modifier level(s) to the modifier group, click the Modifiers tab. Expand the Pricing settings and set the price for each level.

Modifier Level Pricing

Modifier Level Pricing

Modifier level buttons appear above the modifier item buttons on the order entry screen. To enable a different price level for a modifier item, select the modifier level button first, then select the modifier. If a mistake is made, press the Refresh button to deselect all modifier level buttons.

Modifier Price Levels

Modifier Price Levels

Copy Menu Item Assignments

In many menu designs, all menu items in a menu category will share the same modifier group assignments. For example, all dinner entrees may include the choice of potato, soup or salad, etc. In this case, modifier group assignments can be copied to all menu items in the current menu item's category by opening the menu item in the menu item editor. Click the Modifier Assignments tab and click Copy To All. A list of all menu items in the current menu items category is shown. Click Yes to confirm. All existing modifier group assignments for the other menu items in the same category are deleted and the current  list of modifier groups, including the sort order and mandatory status of each group, is copied to each of the other menu items in the same category.

Copying Modifier Group Assignments

Copying Modifier Group Assignments



Button Placement and Sizing

An empty space with the width equal to the width of a modifier button can be inserted between modifier buttons by adding a new modifier and setting the value of the Visibility setting to Spacer. This is useful for modifier groups that contain a large number of modifiers.

Modifier Group Spacer

Modifier Group Spacer