Vantiv Gift Cards Settle Screen

Login to AmigoPOS, expand an order on the recall list and press SETTLE to open the order on the settle screen. Select the GIFT CARD payment method to continue.

Gift Card Payment Method

Gift Card Payment Method

Enter the transaction amount. The maximum transaction amount is limited to the balance due on the order. In the example below, the user is prevented from continuing because the transaction amount is larger than the balance due.

Transaction Amount Entry

Transaction Amount Entry

Press SWIPE CARD to send the request to the Verifone Point device. If the gift card is unreadable due to a damaged magnetic stripe, press HAND KEYED to enter the account number manually.

Input Method Selection

Input Method Selection

Allow up to 30 seconds to receive a response from the device after the card is swiped.

Card Swipe Prompt

Card Swipe Prompt

A successful result is indicated by a dark green background on the response screen. Note that if the approved amount is different from the transaction amount, the background color is indigo. This may occur when a prepaid card with insufficient funds is used.

Successful Gift Card Transaction

Successful Gift Card Transaction

If the funds available on the gift card are less than the transaction amount, a partial approval message is returned by the payment processor. In the example below, the balance due on the order was $25.25. After attempting a transaction for the entire balance due with only $10.00 available on the customer's card, the order has an outstanding balance of $15.25 and is not settled. A partial approval is indicated by the yellow background with the amount due indicated at the top and "CAPTURED: CUSTOMER OWES DIFFERENCE" result text.

Partial Approval

Partial Approval

If the transaction is declined for any reason, no funds are withdrawn from the gift card and the order's balance due remains unchanged. A declined transaction is indicated by a red background. Most unsuccessful gift card transactions are due to a zero available balance on the gift card.

Declined Gift Card Transaction

Declined Gift Card Transaction

A duplicate transaction occurs if the same card is used to charge the same order number for the same amount in the same batch and is indicated by a red background on the transaction results screen.

Duplicate Gift Card Transaction

Duplicate Gift Card Transaction